Friday, October 30, 2009

10 Months with Teeth (Finally!)

Hannah turned 10 months old today and had an exciting week! First, Nana and Papa Casey came on Monday and spent the week with us. They loved hanging out and playing all kinds of fun things with Hannah. On Tuesday, as we were eating dinner Nana fed something to Hannah and all of a sudden she could feel some teeth! Finally! Hannah popped both bottom teeth sometime on Tuesday -- I have a feeling a few more will come in over the next few days or weeks. She has pretty much stayed true to her nature and hasn't even really been that fussy. Hopefully that will continue with the other teeth. Hannah has also mastered the "correct" way to crawl, although she does resort back to her "dragging one leg" crawl if she wants to get somewhere quickly. She also has completely mastered pulling up and will do it with any object or piece of furniture she can find. She has not started cruising yet, but I have a feeling it won't be long. She continues to LOVE to eat and pretty much eats everything we eat. When the food isn't getting in fast enough is really the only time she gets fussy. Fall is flying by and I have a feeling the holiday's will be arriving sooner than later. What a fun month we have had! Her personality shines through every day and she is a joy to be around. What an awesome blessing to be called her mommy!

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