Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Update -- Still in God's Hands

Kind of a silly title because we are always in His hands but that's the best I could come up with for the time being. :-) I wanted to write a quick update about what has happened since our intial finding out about the ectopic and treating it with the Methotrexate.

Yesterday, I had a repeat ultrasound and bloodwork drawn to see how things were progressing from the medicine. The doctor who read the ultrasound said that the pregnancy had not gotten any smaller, but couldn't quite tell if it had gotten bigger. He also saw some fluid in my pelvis. When speaking with my doctor later in the day, she said it looked okay but that they were still waiting for the hcg levels because both were needed to know what to do next. She called back a bit later and had some not-so-good news -- my levels actually had gone up instead of going down. We discussed our options (another shot or surgery to remove it) and I decided on going with my gut instinct of surgery. Even though at the time she felt confident another round of medicine would work, I was ready to be done with everything. I hated having to wait after the drug was administered to see if it worked all the while having some slight pain and discomfort. So, since I hadn't eaten much that day, my doctor said to come on over and we'd do the surgery.

Once I was checked in at Barnes, we went right into pre-op and got started right away. The surgery took about an hour and a half then I was back among the living (kind of) after about 30 minutes of recovery. The doctor told me the surgery went very! I talked to my doctor some more this morning and got additional information. I did have some bleeding in my abdomen and the pregnancy was just beginning to rupture so we definitely made the right decision. She did have to remove my left fallopian tube because it had been damaged by the near-rupture. Other than that, things went really well. I stayed over night and am hoping to be discharged sometime today.

Once again, I praise God for giving me some good gut feelings. When I talked with my doctor yesterday my gut was to do the surgery and be able to be done with everything instead of waiting for another treatment to see if it would work. After talking to the doctor this morning, we both knew it was the best decision. There is a good chance that it would have ruptured last night and the surgery would have been a bit more "emergency." I know without a doubt that God gave me that instinct to go ahead and do the surgery from the beginning. I praise Him for being with us and watching over us throughout this whole process. I have no idea God's plan for the Casey family because this certainatly wasn't how we planned this, but I have complete faith that it is something amazing. I am so glad that He is in charge of our lives and not us!

Thank you God for protecting my family and me over the last few weeks. We praise you for all of the little signs and gut feelings that made this situation much safer for me. Thank you for being with the doctors and giving them the knowledge and tools to do what needed to be done. I especially thank you for the people you have put in our lives -- both family and friends. Thank you for always being in control and loving us continually!

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