Saturday, February 22, 2014

Let's Go Blue and White!

The KC cheerleaders had a morning cheerleading clinic before one of the home basketball games.  Hannah was super excited to go learn to be a cheerleader and even more excited that Grace was going with her.  Grace's mom, Megan, took the girls out to KC and I joined them before the women's game started.  The girls were to all sit together near the cheerleaders during the first half so they could watch the big girls and guys.  These two girls love hanging out and have a lot of fun together!

During halftime, all the girls went to the floor to perform their cheers and a dance.  It was fun to watch Hannah out their.  The longtime cheerleader in me hopes this isn't the only time she will be a cheerleader!

I'm so glad KC had this event and that Hannah and Grace were able to do it together!

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