Tuesday, February 14, 2012

All You Need is Love

We had a couple of fun days celebrating love at our house for Valentine's Day. The weekend before, we made pink chocolate chip pancakes that we got at Aldi in honor of the love holiday. Hannah was really excited to help make them...and of course eat them!
Cam was also pretty excited about eating some Valentine Day's pancakes!Before the actual day, Hannah and I made some fun cupcakes to take to Ms. Sarah's house to share with her friends. She was so excited! I love watching her giving heart shine through when we have stuff planned to give or help other people! Hannah and I also went shopping for a small gift for her speech teacher, Mrs. Beer. We chose some Hershey kisses and a card. She was beyond pumped to give her the gift!
The morning of Valentine's Day, we got the kiddos dressed in new shirts from Nonnie and Poppy and took a quick picture of our two valentines.
My mom and dad picked the kids up and brought them to my school for my classroom party. My students love seeing my kiddos and some even wrote valentines to Hannah and Cameron. Hannah was so excited and looked through them numerous times over the next several days. It was a great day to spend with the kids!

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