Monday, July 11, 2011

We're Off to the Zoo!

This past weekend we were able to spend some time with our dear friends Marc & Kristina, their kids and Marc's brother's family from Colorado. They were all on the way to spend some time wtih Marc & Nathan's parents and made a stop in St. Louis. We were glad to help out and open up Hotel Casey for a couple of nights. Saturday morning, we were up and ready to head to the zoo! It was a warm day, but the kids seemed to have fun. This is the whole crew! And the only shot of everyone all day. With seven kids seven and under, two strollers and a wagon, we didnt' take a ton of pictures becuase we were all helping out with the kids. It was a fun time, though, and we did see a lot of animals. When we were done, we went to Pujols 5 for a late lunch. Tim & I had never been there so we had a great time. We spent some time together during the evening and finished our weekend with a cook out on Sunday after church. It was a really great time to see Marc & Kristina and their kiddos and even more to get to know Nathan & Cori and their kids as well.

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