Saturday, June 4, 2011

Our Two Month Old

Cameron turned two months old today! I can't believe our little man is growing so quickly. I don't have any statistics because we don't go to the doctor until another week and a half. Here is what I can say about Cameron. Although we don't know any specifics, we definitely know he is growing lots! He is really chunking up some and loves his food! He is eating about 7 times a day, 5 oz in each bottle. Cam takes his last bottle around 8:30 or 9:00 and usually goes until anywhere from 3:30-5:00 am. His daytime naps are sometimes hit and miss. Hopefully, this will start to get better as we continue working. His evenings seem to be getting better. We have learned that he loves to be outside so we tend to do that often during those fussy times. One of my favorite things lately is that Cam is starting to smile a little and coo. I forgot how fun it is to watch all of these new things start with little ones. I am so thankful that summer is here so I can spend time with Tim and our kids.


Kristina said...

Can't wait to snuggle that cute boy!! He's getting SO BIG!

slickdarwin said...

Cameron is just too cute!!!

caseyMN said...

Thanks for sharing these precious memories with us!

Ruts said...

So cute, love that little grin!!