One of the highlights of our summer has been spending time with amazing college friends on a variety of occasions. Last night & today has been no exception to that! After going to the Mascoutah homecoming parade, Hannah and I took off to Dwight to stay the night with the Windham's. Once again, Sarah and I stayed up late visiting. Today, the main event occurred. Our dear friend Erin and her beautiful daughter Elle, who live in North Carolina, were back home (Rockford, IL) for the weekend and came down to visit for a few hours. Kristina also joined us and we had a fantastic time catching up with each other's lives as well as refereeing our kids (5 there that day). It was awesome! This group of girls has been a part of my life from the very beginning of college, when Kristina & I met in biology to the bond we made through all of us being a part of CSC, to road trips (Alabama, baby!) to graduating, getting married and having kids (a total of 6 between us). What awesome relationships God has given us. I love these girls so much and am so thankful that we have maintained such strong bonds over the last nine (yes, nine!) years. Praise Him for girlfriends who share my beliefs and values and who have been there with me through so much. Although we all live away from each other, when we talk on the phone or get together it's like nothing has changed. There have been many times when I wished to "re-create" these relationships with other people in other circumstances. I've come to realize that the friendships I have with these girls are irereplacable, and that is exactly the way I want it! I have amazing friends at school where I work, in my neighborhood and through church, but no one will replace what I have with these girls. I know that no matter what happens, we will always be able to lean on each other and no matter how often or little we can visit or talk, nothing will change what we have with each other. Thank you, girls, for being such an integral part of my life. I love you all!

The kids (minus Sadie) -- Elle, Macey, Kinnick, Hannah & Whittaker.

The moms -- Kristina, Erin, Sarah and me.

The kids & the moms (not an easy shot - but the best we could do...on a timer by the way!)