Monday, April 13, 2009

Meet me in St. Louie

After coming home from Wisconsin, we were able to spend the rest of our spring break with the Gorsch's. They were here on Sunday night when we got home and after putting the kids to bed, we were able to hang out some. It was quite an adventure with three kids under the age of two, three dogs and four adults. Sadie slept in Marc and Kristina's room and Kinnick and Hannah had a sleepover in Hannah's room.
Monday morning we ventured to the zoo, making it Hannah's first trip to the zoo. We were a little afraid it may rain, but it didn't start raining until we were headed to the car at 3:00. It was a perfect day to walk around and explore the animals. Here are some shots of our zoo trip.

After our trip to the zoo, we spent the rest of the afternoon and evening hanging out at the house. Kinnick and Hannah loved playing together, and we even got a few photos of them together.

Overall, it was a wonderful way to end our Spring Break! Gorsch's - thanks for coming down and hanging out with us! We can't wait to do it again soon!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Um...not sure how appropriate it is that you allowed your daughter to spend the night in the same room as a boy!! :)