Well, Tim and I were awoken Tuesday morning at 12:20 to my water being broken! I was quite surprised, since baby Hannah was still over 4 weeks early, and very nervous, but we packed up our belongings and headed to the hospital. Once we got here and it was confirmed that it truly was my water, they admitted us for what I thought was going to be a long day. At both the intial check and a good hour later, I was only dialated to a 1, so I was prepared for a long day of labor. Since my water was broken, they had to start Pitocin so things picked up a little. At 8:30, I was at 3 cm and decided to get the epidural. That helped me relax a little and Tim even had a chance to take a small cat nap. At about 9:30, I began feeling some pressure which just kept increasing. I started pushing at 9:57 and we welcomed Hannah into the world at 10:06! I think I am still in shock of how quickly things moved from 8:30 until Hannah's birth! Here are a few pictures of Baby Hannah and our new family!
Hannah Nicole Casey - December 30, 2008 - 5lbs. 7 oz. - 17 3/4 in. - 10:06 am
Hannah is BEAUTIFUL!!! She is so blessed to have such wonderful parents. I can't wait to see her in person and hold her! Love, Elissa
p.s. My mom says she is adorable, too!!
Yeah! And welcome home... I'm so excited for you! I can't wait to hold baby Hannah (and to see more pictures!) Love you!
Congratulations! I was so surprised to find Hannah is already here! She looks beautiful.
Congrats guys! Keith was so excited to get your text. Hey, added bonus...extra deduction for taxes this year :) She is adorable. Yay!
Congratulations!! Hannah looks perfect! I can't wait to meet her and hold her. Baby Speaks is so excited that she will have a girl buddy to run around with at all OTHS events. This will make football more exciting!
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