Early in the summer, we had a free weekend and decided to give potty training a go. I knew once we got into summer more, it would be hard to carve out four days at home. So, while I was at a week long class, Tim was going to take on the task...and it lasted two miserable days! At one point, Tim sent me a video of Cameron screaming and crying at the top of his lungs while sitting on the potty. At the end of day two, Cameron had ZERO successes and lots of accidents. As day three approached, we had a basement incident that (sadly) put potty training on hold.
As I looked at the calendar, I knew Veteran's Day weekend would be our only long weekend until at least January because of traveling for the holidays and going to Disney over Christmas. We cleared our schedules to make sure someone could be home with Cameron from Friday until Monday so we could give it a go.
Tim had the first shift on Friday. We had a potty, step stool, candy rewards,

and lots and lots of undies!
We also had a pretty happy boy! Here goes nothing!!!
Friday was a HUGE success! With the timer set every twenty minutes, Cameron had 6 successes and 1 accident (which came late in the day) ALL DAY!!! It was a complete turn around from our June attempt. We trudged on through the weekend. We stayed home pretty much all weekend so we could devote all of it to the task. By Monday, we were still setting the timer for every 30-45 minutes and only had 2 or so accidents a day. It was an awesome start to potty training. He was really getting the hang of it!
On Tuesday, he was off to Ms. Amy's in big boy undies. I checked in periodically and he had ZERO accidents all day and woke up from nap dry! The same happened Wednesday including another dry nap. He even started telling Ms. Amy when he had to go! By Thursday, she kept him in undies for nap time. He woke up dry again and did the same today. He still hasn't gone number 2, but I'd say we are about 95% there on number 1.
Cameron has done so well with this and I'm so proud of him! Hannah's experience went fairly well, but this was almost too easy! We are now going to focus on the "other." Way to go Cam-man! We are so proud of you!!!
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