Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Fifteen Months of Cameron

Oh our little (BIG) man!  This was not an easy picture to take.  Mr. Cameron is always on the move and never slows down!  Although he still wobbles a little, he is walking (and falling) everywhere we go.  The life of boys!

At Cam's 15 month check up, he weighed in at 29 lbs. 13.5 oz (100th percent) and is 34.5" long (also 100th percent!)  Yes, I did say 100th percent.  Little brother should really be changed to younger brother!  Cameron is continuing to grow and partly because he loves to eat and drink his milk.  Right now, he would probably eat any kind of fruit and meat whenever possible.  We love having fresh fruit in the summer and so does Cam!  Even with only six measly teeth, he can shovel in the food.  He is also our big drinker and would have a sippy cup full of something all day if we let him. 

Cam is super active and all boy all the time!  I don't know how many times of the day he trips, falls, rolls, etc. and doesn't even bat an eye.  He is one tough guy and it doesn't seem to phase him when something happens.  His newest maneuver is to do a somersault like his big sis.  It's not quite perfect, but he thinks he is way cool and claps as soon as he is done!  I love it!  Cameron also loves music and LOVES to dance.  It doesn't matter what is on, he starts movin' and grovin' when there is music.  His face lights up and he starts squealing with excitement.

Cameron is at a really great age for learning and mimicking.  He repeats a ton of sounds and words and says "Mama," "Dada," "buh bye," "ball," "drink," "dog/Bosley" and "uh-oh" by himself.  It's amazing to hear him repeat something that he hears one of us say.  He is also learning some body parts and knows where his belly, nose, eyes and tongue are.  He is also still very observant and knows things like where his shoes go.  One of his cuter "tricks" is that he will blink for you when you ask him too.  Oh, and you can always find him because he has only one volume...loud!

Cam is definitely at the beginning of the testing limit phase and doesn't quite like to hear the word "no."  There are times when he totally knows he shouldn't be doing something, and goes as far as we will let him.  This is especially true with Hannah.  He is also learning what we do when we make a mistake and has started giving hugs and kisses when he is sorry.  This is especially sweet with Hannah.

Speaking of Hannah, Cameron is a great brother to her...usually!  I love watching their relationship develop.  As much as he usually wants only the one toy Hannah is playing with at the time, and bugs her to pieces at times, he loves his big sister.  He loves to hug and kiss and blow kisses and it's no different with her.  I very much enjoy watching their relationship grow.

The one word that comes to mind most often with Cam is happy.  He is such a sweet, happy boy who is always laughing and having fun.  It has been such a fun summer with him.  He is our little fish and has especially enjoyed our days at the pool.  We are so thankful for Cameron and can't wait to see how the next few months go.  We love you little man!


Kristina said...

Can't believe he's SO big already!!

Tif said...

He's so big!! Love it!