Because of her new status as big sister, she also seems to be playing with her dolls a whole lot more. It is one of the few toys that she plays with at some point every day. Along with dolls, she still loves to put puzzles together and loves to sit and read with us. She is starting to pick out more and more in her books that she recognizes which is really cool to watch. She loves to be outside on her swing set and loves going to pool! She also had a few games on my iPad and knows exactly how to get to them and how to play them.
Hannah is picking up more and more words and starting to string some together, but still isn't a huge talker. Her words are sometimes her own little language so we are going to have her evaluated for speech at the end of the summer. This former speech therapy graduate just wants to make sure all is well. :-)
Hannah does try to test the limits that any 2 year old does. We are working very hard at following directions the first time and being a good listener. She is also doing great with the potty. Our goal by the end of the summer is to be in undies at nap and when we go out. We are very close!
Hannah is a great sleeper and still sleeps 2-3 hours during the day for a nap and about 11 hours at night. Thankfully, she doesn't wake up when Cam does either time so we are grateful for that! She has the very typical toddler appetite where she will eat a ton one meal and then pick around for the next. This girl LOVES applesauce -- she is her mother's daughter! The two of us could probably eat a jar every couple meals! She also has my sweet tooth and doesn't seem to mind a little something sweet at the end of the meal.
Hannah is turning more and more into a little preschooler every day! I have so enjoyed being home since the end of April and spending some extra time with her this summer. She is a joy to be around and we can't wait to see what the next six months brings in her life!