Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Cameron's First Month

Cameron turned one month old today! It's hard to give a lot of details in this update because he wasn't with us full time for a lot of the month. He is changing every day though -- I forgot how fast that goes! We did visit the doctor and we definitely have a growing boy on our hands! He weighed in at 10 lbs. (that's over a 3 lb. gain!) and is 21 3/4" long (up an inch and 3/4). Both of these fall around the 50th percentile so we have a very healthy little guy! This seems really big to us because Hannah was so tiny for her age and still is only around the 40th percentile. He seems to be adjusting to our routine of eat/wake/sleep cycles. His evenings can be a little rough at times -- he has developed a little bit of a "witching hour" sometimes. However, once he gets a bottle between 10:00 and 10:30, he sleeps until 3:30 or 4:00. Then up at 7 for the start of the day. Not too bad! We are so in love with our little guy! Here is Cameron around 1 month old with his own bear for pictures.

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