Friday, February 25, 2011

Bathtime Fun

Hannah is really enjoying her baths lately. I hope this means that the pool will be a big hit this summer! As the bath tub fills up, Hannah gets super excited and starts yelling "bubbles"! So, we fill the tub up with bubbles. Her favorite part of the bubbles is putting them all over her face and trying to eat them. I can't imagine that tastes very good, but she loves it! Here is the best shot of her bubble face:
Hannah has never fought the scrubby-scrub of bath time including having her hair washed and rinsed. I couldn't resist in capturing her with a head full of shampoo:
What a goofball! Hannah is getting so big and we are just cherishing every moment we have with her!


Ruts said...

What a cutie! Hope to see you guys soon!

Rebecca said...

I CANNOT BELIVE HOW BIG SHE IS!! I can't wait to see you!! :)