Sunday, December 26, 2010

Let the Potty Training Begin!

This fall, I decided to give potty training a try (or should I say start) during the first week of my Christmas break. I figured it was probably one of the only times I could stay at home for an extended period before summer and before another member joined our family. With the help of my more experienced Mommy friends (thanks Kristina!) and some tips from books, I got some good ideas and off we went!

Sunday afternoon, we made a trip to Target for some new undies as well as some treats. Here is a shot of Hannah's treats and her bear that we used to help with the process. Then after nap on Sunday, Bear got to try to go potty. First, she was dry so she got some M&M's. Then she went on the potty and got to have a sucker. Hannah was pretty excited that Bear shared the sucker with her.
Monday morning we were off! Here is a shot of Hannah and Bear right after we put big girl undies on. Then she had the first accident of the day. One good thing is that she HATED peeing on herself. She started crying "Mommy" (in a real whiny voice). I thought that was at least hopeful. The rest of the day went okay. She had 3 more accidents and 2 successes including waking up dry from her nap and going right after. I felt good enough to keep trudging the next day. Here is Hannah hanging out watching some TV in between potty trips.
So, onto Tuesday. We started the day with two accidents. Bummer! The first was after she had been awake for almost an hour & a half and we kept trying but she did not want to go. She got off the potty and went like two minutes later. Then since she had just gone I set the timer for 30 minutes and within 15 she was going again. Definitely frustrating! But, not too much longer I saw the poop face coming and rushed her into the bathroom and she went on the potty! She then went pee two more times before lunch! After nap time, she tried and didn't go. Not long after that, we were reading a book and eating snack and she lifted her shirt and pointed to her undies. I asked if she needed to go potty and she nodded yes. We headed into the bathroom and had success! I was hoping that was a mini-breakthrough. We went the rest of the night with no accidents but no successes either. Moving to day three...

Wednesday we started the day pretty slow. She was out of her diaper by 8ish and did nothing until 11 am! We keep trying ever so often, but sometimes I think she is starting to lose interest. I was beginning to get concerned because she hadn't done anything. She ended up having an accident. I thought maybe it wasn't a bad thing because I want her to remember she doesn't like the feeling. We headed to nap time with no more accidents or successes. After nap time, we had one success and then another accident around dinner time. I decided to keep going.

Thursday was our most successful day! We had a sucess fairly early in the morning and another one in the afternoon and NO ACCIDENTS!!! She did have a wet diaper at nap time but I thought a day with no accidents was great! Friday was the same. No accidents and two successes! We did put her in a Pull-Up to go to dinner and Christmas Eve service and it was not dry when we got home. So far so good! Onto the next week!


Kristina said...

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah! Keep it up!!

Jacki said...

Great job! It's a lot of work, but it sounds like you're going about it the right way. It is so worth the effort! :)