Saturday, July 17, 2010

Baseball Heaven

We are big baseball fans around here and one of our favorite things to do is watch the Cardinals. Mom, Tim & I headed to Busch Stadium today for a game. We are always excited for baseball, but a little hesitant today because it was extremely hot outside. Earlier this morning, Tim had the opportunity to listen to Tony Dungey speak to a group of coaches. The event was sponsered by FCA and it was Christian Day at the ball park. He said it was amazing and he had a really good time. Mom and I met him at one of our favorite pre/post-game eatery's, Calico's, for a late lunch before the game started. As we got to the satdium, we realized it was way hotter than we thought. Our seats were in the sun, so we hung out in the concourse where there was some sort of breeze for the pre-game festivities. We then attempted our seats for a total of maybe 5 minutes. It was beyond hot! We went back to our spot on the concourse and ended up watching the game from there -- in the shade and with whatever breeze was there at the time. During the 4th inning, we decided to take off. It is the first time EVER that we left that early in the game. Both Tim & Mom were not feeling great and it was so unbearably hot. We're going to try again before the season is over...but this time in the evening!

This is where we ended up watching what little of the game we stayed for. Oh well -- always an adventure!

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