When we arrived in Florida Friday afternoon, we dropped our stuff off at my parents rented duplex and headed straight to the beach. It was literally a block and a half down the street so we were able to walk there. We went to the beach in North Carolina when Hannah was six months old, but this was her first real experience. She took her sand toys and was off! She immediately loved digging, covering, looking for seashells and walking on the sand. Here is her first few moments at the beach.
We sat Cameron down in the softer sand and he immediately decided to try to eat the sand or whatever else he could put his hands on (this was a common recoccurance throughout the trip). Right before we left the beach that afternoon, we put him on the harder sand near the ocean and this is what happened...
This is the first time he has ever crawled the correct way and headed straight for the ocean! He didn't seem to mind the sand or waves and had a good time crawling around. That evening, we went to a local fish place and had our first taste of fresh seafood. It was really yummy!
The next day was going to be cloudy and cooler so we decided to go to park that our friends told us about and then shopping at one of the two outlet malls. Here is Hannah playing on the huge playground the park had. She had a lot of fun swinging, sliding, climbing and moving.
The next day was going to be cloudy and cooler so we decided to go to park that our friends told us about and then shopping at one of the two outlet malls. Here is Hannah playing on the huge playground the park had. She had a lot of fun swinging, sliding, climbing and moving.
Sunday was going to be the pick weather day so we were going to spend the majority of it at the beach. We had a nice leisurely morning, ate a quick lunch, and headed down the street to the beach. It was warm enough for swimsuits this day and we took full advantage of getting some much needed Vitamin D! Our beach babe had a blast! She loved playing with Poppy in the sand and also walking along the edge of the water, even though it was a little chilly. She liked to jump over the "yittle waves" and find "kitty cat paw" seashells.
Cam spent most of his day trying to eat the sand, seashells, leaves, etc. that he could. Every time we would try to clean him off, he would look like this again...
It was a lost cause! He finally tuckered out and took a nice nap in the shade behind the chairs. This boy loves the outdoors! I think pool days this summer are going to be a ton of fun!
Tim wasn't with us on this day (he was at the tattoo parlor adding to one of his tattoos), but we did get one pic of the kids and I.
It was such a great day and overall a great weekend! We are doing a family vacation with my parents to South Carolina this summer and I know the kids will have so much fun at the beach and in the ocean. We are so thankful to my parents for sharing a weekend of their Florida trip with us. It is exactly what the Casey family needed!