It has been a very busy March so far for the Casey family. I had state testing at school for the first two weeks and it makes for long days at school. The good thing is that today is the first day of Spring -- and it couldn't have been more perfect! We spent some of our day outside and the rest letting the warm air and breeze flow through the house. What a wonderful day! Here are some signs of spring around the Casey house.
Yesterday I got these flowers at Aldi when I went grocery shopping. I love fresh flowers! Last year I realized that Aldi sold fresh flower bouquets at really good prices. It allows me to get flowers every week or so and it really makes the house feel like spring. I love the bright yellows and white in this arrangement.

We had some fun outside today as well. We did a variety of fun things in the beautiful sunshine. Here is Hannah waiting for Daddy to throw the ball to her.

We also had to get the bubbles out! This girl loves playing with bubbles! Even though this was the first time of the season, I can already see her getting better at it from last year. She was definitely getting the hang of blowing the bubbles. I can't wait to watch her master it throughout the spring and summer!

It was a great first day of spring and we can't wait for many more days outside!