Hannah is eleven months old today. In four short weeks, we will be celebrating Hannah's first birthday. It continues to amaze me how much she grows and learns each day and how much fun it is to be around her. Hannah continues to be a happy baby who loves to play and laugh. She still only has two teeth, but it seems like she is working on more all the time. She pulls up on anything and everything she can, and is working on standing alone for a few seconds at a time. She continues to love to clap and also can do "high-five," "sooo big" (as demonstrated in the picture) and has started a little bit of "bye-bye." She still babbles a lot and her favorite thing to say is "Dada." The other night we were in the car waiting for the basketball game to be over and Hannah stood against the window and was saying "Dada" over and over again. It was pretty cute! Hannah also loves to eat! She eats all table food and shovels it in like it's going out of style! You may never guess it because she is still quite petite, but she doesn't miss too many meals. She absolutely loved Thanksgiving and all the yummy things to eat! It's the time of year that seems to go by quickly, and before I know it, Hannah will be one! In the mean time, I am excited to take some time to spend as a family and enjoy Hannah's first Christmas season. Thanks for an amazing eleven months, Hannah! We can't wait to see what is next!