Although our official 3rd anniversary was on October 15, Tim and I celebrated our third year together the following weekend in Madison and extended the celebration the next week with a date night.
Earlier this fall, I decided that Tim deserved something special not only for just being a great husband, but because he has endured a lot of pregnancy ups and downs. One of his favorite places is Madison, Wisconsin, especially if the Badgers are in town playing football. We picked a OTHS sports-free weekend and headed up north. We were unable to get tickets to the actual game, but spent most of game time downtown with Nikki and Kyle and some Buffalo Wild Wings! After the game, we hit up the local outlet mall for some shopping. There is nothing better than football followed by shopping! It was an awesome weekend to just relax and spend time with Nikki and Kyle. 
The following Tuesday, we had a date night which included dinner at Longhorn Steakhouse and a night at the Fabulous Fox Theatre! Tim found AMAZING tickets on Craigslist for "The Color Purple." I had already seen the production once last summer, but this was Tim's first time. We love all types of theatre and this show was no different! It was amazing! It was the perfect ending to our extra long annivesary celebration!